Disease, Doctors, Drugs and Vitamins!

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Why are we as sick as we are?

There is no simple straight forward answer but one thing you must know to put it simply;

A diet low in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

+ Free Radical Damage to our Cells

= Serious Disease that Degenerates and Ages Us Quickly.

OK, so what does that mean in every day speak?? What do I mean by Degenerative Disease? Disease that degenerates (or literally breaks down the body) are the modern day illnesses that everyone of us are touched by in one form or another such as cancer, heart disease, alzheimers, parkinsons disease, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, arthritis, osteoporosis, endometriosis, mononucleosis, irritable bowel and the list goes on are typical examples of Degenerative Disease. This means the body is “not at ease, it’s dis-eased” and it’s organs are suffering damage and breaking down.

And before you go thinking they’re just ‘old age’ diseases, think again.

Medical evidence sourced from the journals listed above is rife that many of these illnesses are creeping into our younger generations. Cancer and Diabetes are now evidenced as childrens diseases. Osteoporosis is a teenage disease. No longer ‘looked forward to’ as an ‘old lady’ condition. There are 20 year olds with Osteoporosis.

In young teenage girls the body must have high doses of calcium and magnesium

for bone and muscle formation. With the takeaway junk foods that most of the kids are eating today, there’s little chance that the average 16 year old is getting her appropriate levels of calcium. And NO, a McDonalds thickshake is SO not a source of calcium nor is the milk poured on her sugar filled breakfast cereal. If the muscles aren’t getting the right doses of calcium, they literally ‘steal’ from the bones – hence Osteoporosis is becoming very evident in teenage girls. Typical sources of calcium are yogurts, dairy products and green leafy vegetables. You may think you feed your kids well and I’ve no doubt you do but there’s no way she’s getting what she should be to keep bones strong while going through the growing teenage years.

You’ve heard the term ‘RDA’s'? It means Recommended Daily Allowances? They came about over 50 years ago. Even back then, they were considered the absolute minimum that the human body needed to prevent diseases like Ricketts and Scurvy. These RDA’s have not been updated all this time. We now live in an age where the toxic overload is greater than it’s ever been while at the same time the nutrient level in our soils have all but been harvested and sprayed out completely.

No other generation but this one, throughout all of history, has ever had to deal with more toxins, pesticides, depleted soils, contamination, processed foods, transfats, stress and other environmental pollutants. There’s little wonder that free radical damage is out there creating the havoc that it is. We need to start thinking now about our health and our kids health.

So couldn’t I just go take a pill?

Drugs treat the symptom. They have one direction to treat one thing. They do not cure. Most have side effects. The next step would be to take another pill to treat the side effect. And before you know it, you’re taking a cocktail of pills that are making you feel worse. One of the major causes of death in the United States is death by prescription drugs. There’s a fabulously informative (albeit a little depressing) book by Dr Ray Strand that’s well worth reading. It’s entitled ‘Death By Prescription’ and is readily available. It’s so well worth knowing what our drug cocktails are doing to us and to take your health into your own hands. This is where our future must be – to take our health into our hands and not leave it completely up to drugs and doctors. I love Dr Strands books as he lets us know what alternatives are available to us.

Nutritional Medicine

is by far going to be the way of the future where we take a preventative course rather than a curative one. Its never ever too late to start. If we go see the doctor about a suspicious lump and he tells us it’s cancer, that’s when it’s too late. Cancer takes decades to develop. He’s only managed to get us at the diagnosis stage, once it’s already grown and taken form. I don’t know about you, but sure as heck want to feel great, look better and maintain energy as I age. I’ve no intention of accepting aging as a horrible painful process dotted with regular trips to the local doctor’s surgery who just wants to put me on a drugs ‘menu’ list.

Disease, Doctors, Drugs and Vitamins! Related Video:

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