Drug knowledge popularization:Efficacy and function of Vitamin B

Vitamin B belongs to a water-soluble vitamin. In fact, vitamin B is a family that contains a variety of vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, niacinamide, calcium pantothenate, and folic acid. members of the family. There are different types of B vitamins, and different ingredients have different uses. For example, vitamin B1 is an important component of coenzymes involved in sugar metabolism. Vitamin B2 is an important coenzyme component required by respiratory tissues, and vitamin B6 is also involved in the metabolism of amino acids and fats. Vitamin B12 plays a very important role in hematopoietic function and the nervous system.


The members of the vitamin B family also play a coordinating and coordinating role, and may assist each other in regulating the function of other ingredients. Vitamin B is a nutrient supplement, mainly used to prevent these diseases caused by the deficiency of vitamin B group elements, such as malnutrition, anorexia, beriberi, pellagra, etc. It is relatively safe to take vitamin B at the recommended dose, and some adverse reactions may occur when the dose is large, so it is necessary to take vitamin B reasonably according to the recommended dose.

Post time: Feb-10-2023