Ensure Medication Safety With “Reverence Engraved In Your Heart”! Hebei Held A Drug Circulation Quality And Safety Warning Education Conference

On March 23, the Hebei Provincial Drug Administration held a video and telephone conference on education on the quality and safety of drug circulation in the province. The meeting conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on drug safety, reported typical cases of drug business and use, took the case as a mirror, and promoted reforms with the case, so as to turn the “lessons written on paper” into “reverence engraved in the heart” , to further strengthen the awareness of the main body responsibility of enterprises, promote the improvement of the quality and safety level of drug business enterprises and user units, prevent and resolve major risks, and ensure the safety of public medication. Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, Xu Yanzeng, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Provincial Food and Drug Administration, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.


Xu Yanzeng pointed out

Drug safety is a serious political issue, a major economic issue, and a basic livelihood issue. The province’s drug regulatory system must have a profound understanding of the particularity of drug safety, clearly understand the current safety situation in drug business and use, take the case as a mirror, keep the alarm bells ringing, know the bottom line and be reverent, and ensure the quality and safety of drugs. We must learn a profound lesson from the case, dare to be tough and truthful, expose our shortcomings, educate the people around us, and educate enterprises in Hebei with the things around us.

Drug dealers and user units provide drugs and medication services directly to consumers, which is the “last line of defense” to ensure drug safety. It is necessary to engrave the awe of the law in the heart and put it into action, make every effort to ensure the quality and safety of drugs, and build a strong line of defense for drug safety.


Xu Yan enhanced

The entire system must conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and instructions, and strictly carry out special rectification actions for drug safety in accordance with the law. It is necessary to coordinate and act in a unified manner. For important cases, report each case, discuss each case, supervise the handling of each case, give feedback on each case, and create a file for each case. Boxing, forming a high-pressure situation to severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations.

Xu Yanzeng’s request

First, always stick to problem orientation. Highlight key products, key regions, and key objects, implement classified policies and targeted attacks, and implement the main tone of “strict” in all aspects of strong supervision, risk prevention, and safety protection, and maintain a stable and healthy economic environment. A clean and upright social environment has created a good drug safety environment for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Second, we must vigorously promote the construction of the drug circulation traceability system. Comprehensively promote off-site supervision of pharmaceutical wholesale enterprises. Before the end of September, all wholesale enterprises will realize real-time video surveillance in key areas of warehouses, and the temperature and humidity monitoring data of warehouses and cold chains will be uploaded daily. Use big data technology to discover hidden risks and provide technical support for supervision.

Third, we must resolutely overcome paralyzing thoughts. All drug retail enterprises must do a good job in electronic registration of sales records of “four types of drugs”, and give full play to the monitoring role of “sentinels” of retail pharmacies. It is necessary to implement the “quartet” responsibility, do a good job in the “four early” prevention and control measures, and strengthen the quality and safety supervision of the new crown vaccine and anti-epidemic drugs.


Deputy Director Hou Donghua requested in his speech

First, we must strengthen the study of laws and regulations. It is necessary to earnestly study the “Drug Administration Law” and related supporting rules and regulations, in-depth study of the “Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases Endangering Drug Safety”, urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility, eliminate fluke mentality, and establish a “quality first” awareness , establish a normalized and standardized hidden danger investigation and risk management and control mechanism, so as to prevent problems before they occur, and build a “copper wall and iron wall” for drug safety.

Second, we must carry out special rectification actions for drug safety in depth. Drug regulatory authorities at all levels should focus on illegal drug purchases and sales through illegal channels, continuously intensify law enforcement and case handling, and focus on severely punishing a number of violations of laws and regulations, so as to form a strong deterrent.

Third, we must make every effort to ensure the quality and safety of vaccines and anti-epidemic drugs. Strengthen vaccine quality and safety supervision to ensure the safe and orderly circulation of new crown vaccines. Earnestly do a good job in the sales registration of “four types of drugs”, and play the role of “sentinel” monitoring of retail pharmacies to serve the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control.


The Drug Circulation Supervision Department of the Provincial Food and Drug Administration and the Provincial Drug Professional Inspector Team attended the meeting at the main venue; the market supervision bureaus of all cities, counties (districts), and the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau of Xiong’an New Area are in charge of drug circulation supervision, and the Drug Circulation Division (Division) ) All staff participated in the conference at the sub-venue; all pharmaceutical companies participated in the conference online through live video.

Post time: Mar-29-2022