Premenstrual Yeast Infection: Causes and Treatment

    It is very common to have a yeast infection before your period. The hormonal changes that cause menstruation can also lead to an overgrowth of Candida (the fungus that causes yeast infections).
       This article explains why you might get a yeast infection before your period and what to do if it happens.
       Not only does menstruation cause yeast infections, but changes in your menstrual cycle can make you more likely to get a yeast infection during your period.
       You may get a yeast infection right before your period, or you may have a recurring infection (cyclic vulvovaginitis) at the same time every month.
       It’s unclear how many people get a yeast infection (candida) before their period starts, but it appears to be fairly common.
       Yeast infections are most common during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (the phase before your period), which usually lasts about two weeks.
        Estrogen is usually highest during ovulation and then declines slowly before the onset of menstruation. Progesterone usually peaks around menstruation. Both progesterone and estrogen are at their lowest levels during menstruation.
       These fluctuations can change the hormonal balance in the body, which can lead to overgrowth of Candida, the fungus that causes yeast infections.
       There are more than 200 different types of Candida, but only 5 are responsible for about 90% of yeast infections, including:
       Despite the role of hormones, there are several other known risk factors for yeast infections, including:
        The candida diet may be effective for some people with candida, but it is very restrictive. You should talk to your healthcare provider before trying any diet to control candida.
       The symptoms of a yeast infection are not always the same for everyone and often overlap with other common conditions.
       A yeast infection usually begins with severe itching in and around the vagina.
       In some cases, a yeast infection can cause minor bleeding due to irritation and inflammation of the genital area.
       It may be difficult to tell when your period has begun by light bleeding caused by a yeast infection.
        Although a yeast infection is unlikely to delay your period, certain antifungal medications given vaginally (such as clotrimazole) may cause it. These drugs can also cause itching, burning, and inflammation of the vagina and vulva.
       Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause symptoms similar to yeast infections, such as burning and itching.
       Although a yeast infection can be easily treated at home, if your symptoms are caused by another condition, such as a sexually transmitted infection, self-medication may do more harm than good.
        They will ask about your symptoms and may want to do an exam to look in and around your vagina. They will also ask if you have had yeast infections before and if you have any sexually transmitted infections.
        Your doctor may take a swab from your vagina to check for yeast. They may also want to undergo other tests to rule out other causes, such as sexually transmitted infections. This may include various pap smears, urine tests or blood tests.
        What may at first appear to be a yeast infection may also be a condition called bacterial vaginosis (BV). If you experience symptoms of a yeast infection frequently, or if your symptoms do not improve after treatment, it is important to see your doctor. Because BV is caused by bacteria and not fungi, it must be treated differently.
        To determine if there are any obvious signs of infection, your healthcare provider may perform a pelvic exam. This allows them to examine the cervix and vaginal walls. Your healthcare provider may then take a sample of cells from your vaginal or cervical secretions to examine under a microscope or send for further testing.
        Menstruation does not “clear” a yeast infection. A mild yeast infection may go away on its own, but you will usually have to treat the fungus to get rid of the infection.
        Antifungal medications treat yeast infections. You may need a prescription, but many medications can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription. Your doctor will tell you which treatment to try first.
        For mild yeast infections, try miconazole, clotrimazole, or terconazole. These are over-the-counter products available in the form of creams, ointments, tablets or suppositories.
        Another treatment option for mild yeast infections is the one-time oral drug fluconazole. People with a mild yeast infection may need to take two doses of this medication. However, this treatment is not recommended for pregnant women.
        If you have frequent yeast infections, or if you always seem to get yeast infections before your period, you need to talk to your doctor to find out why you are prone to yeast infections. You also need to find a treatment that will effectively get rid of the fungus.
        You can treat recurring yeast infections with antifungal medications or oral fluconazole as prescribed by your doctor. Other treatments for recurrent yeast infections include flucytosine, boric acid, and nystatin.
        If this happens to you, you may need treatment for azole resistance. During this treatment, you may need to take boric acid through vaginal suppositories. This is usually the last course of treatment and is used only in rare cases.
        If you are using antifungal suppositories to treat a yeast infection, it is important to know that you should not rely on diaphragms or condoms as birth control during treatment. Medicine ingredients may weaken the latex in condoms and diaphragms and may not be effective in preventing pregnancy.
       Some studies have looked at eating probiotic yogurt to prevent yeast infections, but the results have been inconsistent.
       If you have mild symptoms of a yeast infection that do not go away after a few weeks of treatment, or if your symptoms get worse, call your doctor.
        If you are unsure about your symptoms or have never had a yeast infection before, you should see your doctor. Many of the symptoms of a yeast infection are similar to those of other diseases.
       It’s also important to call your doctor if you’re pregnant and experiencing symptoms of a yeast infection.
       Typically a mild yeast infection will clear up within a few days, but more severe cases may take up to two weeks to recover.
        A yeast infection can be a nuisance at any time of the month, but it can be especially bothersome if it occurs before your period. However, most yeast infections are easy to treat.

Post time: Jan-15-2024